
Native American Reflections

June 4th – June 26th: Native American Reflections – We Are Still Here


For the month of June, the BFL is honored to host a multisensory exhibit entitled Native American Reflections – We Are Still Here.  Come to the library to enjoy paintings, poetry, baskets, and other works of art created by members of Natick Nipmuc Tribe, Abenaki Nation, Algonquin Nation, Inuk Nation, and Wampanoag Nation.  Printing services donated by ICL Imaging.

Several of the artists are profiled here

Click here to learn about the artists of the Natick Nipmuc


White Feather

featured art work: Waterfalls and Tranquility


White Feather is a member of the Wampanoag Nation who lives on traditional Wampanoag homelands with his wife of nearly 50 years and two dogs near old growth pines and two beautiful ponds. Proud of his mixed heritage with Cape Verde, he walks in a traditional way with the Pipe and Sweat Lodges and honors the Original Instructions to embrace all nations on the Medicine Wheel. His name in language is Wampi-mequim/White Feather.



Hear White Feather read his poem The Silent Storm:


Ben Mitsuk

featured art work: Fade and Night Sky


Benjamin Mitsuk (they/them) is a Two-Spirit, Inuk artist based on Ottawa, Ontario. Their creative practice is heavily informed by their lived experiences as a queer, trans, and mixed-race person. When they are not working or creating art, they enjoy traveling, spending time in nature/on the land, and curling up on the couch with a good book.  



Hear Ben’s poem Two Worlds:


Linden Limoges

featured art work: Star Girl and Tolba


Linden, born Linda, has a mixed heritage including Ukrainian, Russian, and Algonquin.  She holds the intentions of Peace, Gratitude, Love, and Kindness with Wonderment for All Beings.  She lives with “her” cat Nibezun and spends much of her time rambling outdoors in the meadows, the woods, or by the rivers in Vermont. 



Hear Linden’s poem Dawn Awakening:


Nebi Mstaka

featured art work: Roots and Hawks


 An enrolled citizen of the Abenaki Nation, Nebi Mstaka (Water Lily Root) is a painter in watercolors and writer of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Family, friends, and the animal, plant, and rock beings are Nebi’s heart. Nebi lives near the Kwenitekw (Long/Connecticut River) and on the lands of the Pocumtuck, Nipmuc, and Abenaki people.



Hear Nebi read her poem Roots:


Roaming Buffalo Wabanaki

featured art work: Wabanaki Light Warrior


Citizen of the Abenaki Nation, Roaming Buffalo of the Wabanaki is an advocate, budding indigenous poet, and artist. Their heart is filled with gratitude and humility to be part of this amazing Painting Poetry Circle and to have this creative and powerful time, Môwiwi/together. Roaming lives in the cross roads of many amazing traditional homelands including those of their Abenaki, Pawtucket, Pennacook, Agawam, Massachusett, Nipmuc, and Wampanoag relations.



Hear Roaming read his poem Without Your Voice:


Previous Art Exhibits


May 21st – June 3rd: Babsje 

March 28th – May 14th: Rebecca McGee Tuck

February 8th – March 27th: Carol Keefe and Bobby Reeve

December 15th – February 7th: Ryan Black


Page header image by Jan Mateboer from Pixabay


Donate to the Trustees of the Bacon Free Library's Annual Fund