Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
Be prepared to laugh, dance, sing, and jam your way through 30 minutes of non-stop family fun! This performance is geared for kids ages 1 - 7, but fun for the whole family. With modern takes on children's classics and classic original tunes, you'll be humming and bopping your way all the way home. See […]
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
Join the Natick Historical Society, Natick's Office on Sustainability, Natick's Planning and Economic Development Office and the Bacon Free Library at 7:00pm on November 30th for a Q&A with the producer of the award-winning documentary, Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring Our World. Screen the movie at home at your convenience any time from November 20th […]
Join us for a virtual Zoom discussion of The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill. Copies available at the library, or borrow as an ebook through Hoopla or Libby, or a digital audiobook through Hoopla or Libby. Please email to register and receive the Zoom link.
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
As the bigger kiddos head off to school, here's a chance for the little ones to learn their A-B-C's. We'll start with stories and songs that feature our letter of the week. Then we'll do some simple crafts with the special letter - tracing, stamping, cutting, gluing, and coloring. Also, each child can bring something […]
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
Be prepared to laugh, dance, sing, and jam your way through 30 minutes of non-stop family fun! This performance is geared for kids ages 1 - 7, but fun for the whole family. With modern takes on children's classics and classic original tunes, you'll be humming and bopping your way all the way home. See […]
Join us for a virtual discussion of: Facing the mountain : a true story of Japanese American heroes in World War II / Daniel James Brown. Copies of the book will be available at the Bacon Free Library. Call 508-653-6730 to arrange pick up. Available on Overdrive HERE For details on how to attend this […]
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
As the bigger kiddos head off to school, here's a chance for the little ones to learn their A-B-C's. We'll start with stories and songs that feature our letter of the week. Then we'll do some simple crafts with the special letter - tracing, stamping, cutting, gluing, and coloring. Also, each child can bring something […]
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
At this workshop you will learn to design and create your own stretch beaded bracelet. Stretch bracelets are versatile and easy to wear. Jewelry maker Monica Foley will teach you how to design and measure your bracelets, as well as how to hide the knot inside the bracelet. All the materials will be supplied and […]
Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street, Natick, MA, United States
As the bigger kiddos head off to school, here's a chance for the little ones to learn their A-B-C's. We'll start with stories and songs that feature our letter of the week. Then we'll do some simple crafts with the special letter - tracing, stamping, cutting, gluing, and coloring. Also, each child can bring something […]