
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day



Frances McDormand can do comedy, in case you were wondering. She plays the title character in Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008, rated PG, 92 minutes). Guinevere Pettigrew is a middle-aged, lonely, unlucky governess looking for work—any job will do—in London in 1939.

She gets mixed up with a flibbertigibbet American celebrity whose lifestyle is different, way different. She steps onto the fast track for a while. There’s a fair share of wide-eyed gaping on the part of Miss Pettigrew.

Miss Pettigrew obviously has her own set of moral standards, and her own expectations about what life should have to offer, and her own approach to living the good life.

She steps through the looking glass for a time, does her best to make things better for everyone, and finds a gentleman who’s willing to share her tomorrows.


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Request the book Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson

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