We will be closed today, February 6th, due to the weather.

Staff Pick: Movie of the Week

Graziella’s Recommendation: movie of the week on Kanopy
More from the movie corner of Graziella:
This week’s film is Compliance, a small, American, independent production that premiered at Sundance in 2012.  Compliance received a limited release in theaters, and ended up below most viewers’ radars.  It may not be a stylistically inventive  movie, but it has punch—and be advised that although it is not graphic at all, it does deal with a disturbing situation—actually a true fact.  Taken in by the web spun by this ‘minor’ film, some of you might see Compliance as a timely, if oblique, allegory of ….. well, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions   ☺ .
Watch Compliance here on Kanopy.

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