Red Dawn




Red Dawn is more than a shoot ‘em up movie.

Red Dawn (1984, rated PG-13, 114 minutes) is all-American stuff—the mountaineering teenage heroes, with Boy Scout gear and some guns, prevail over the invading Russian paratroopers. It makes you want to shout “Wolverines!” It was still a Cold War environment in 1984, just sayin’.

Jed (Patrick Swayze) and his friends try to talk out their issues of patriotism, humanity, privation, and growing up. There is death, and triumph, and betrayal, and pride, and growing up.

It helps that the Russian soldiers are by-the-book brutal characters, not too smart, and they can’t seem to beat a small gang of teens (“Wolverines!”) who are “hiding” in the mountains.

There’s another Red Dawn film, done in 2012 (PG-13, 93 minutes), with a similar story line. It’s a remake, but it’s not fully baked, it’s mostly action and shooting. Don’t bother with it.


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