Pretty Woman




Sure, you can figure out real quick how Pretty Woman is going to end, but Edward (Richard Gere) and Vivian (Julia Roberts) don’t figure it out until the very last scene. You’ll be surprised to see how romantic it is.

Pretty Woman (1990, rated R, 119 minutes) really isn’t a jejune very-rich-investor-guy-and-hooker-fall-in-love kind of movie. It’s not a comedy, but it is a keep-reaching-for-the-popcorn kind of movie.

Here’s the lovely story line: Edward gets close to understanding, a number of times, that he doesn’t want to treat this pretty woman like a hooker. It takes him awhile to unlock his heart, and along the way he realizes that he wants to be a decent guy. Vivian really wants her name to be “darling.” Edward takes a long time to figure that out.

I think Gere and Roberts would have been very happy to get together and make this movie for a whole lot less than $100 an hour.


Watch Pretty Woman on Blu-ray or DVD 

Stream the movie soundtrack to Pretty Woman through Hoopla

Stream the original cast recording from Pretty Woman the Musical through Hoopla



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