Policies: Library Use

Library Use Policy


The Bacon Free Library is committed to being a warm and welcoming place for all community members. To that end, we have a few rules which, when followed by everyone, will allow all patrons to enjoy the beautiful BFL space. Failure to comply with the rules of the library may result in expulsion from the library.

  • Snacks and covered drinks are allowed in the library, except at the public computer. We ask that, as a courtesy, you clean up any crumbs created. Please let a staff member know immediately if you need assistance with a spill or mess. 
  • Brief, quiet cell phone calls are allowed in the library. We ask that patrons practice discretion and use the foyer to take/make calls whenever possible. If a phone call is disruptive to other patrons or staff, a librarian may ask that a patron use their cell phone outside of the library.
  • Service animals are permitted in the library. No pets are allowed in the building, unless at the discretion of the Library Director or Assistant Director.
  • Parents are responsible for supervising their children. Library staff cannot be responsible for unattended children. We ask that all children under the age of 8 be accompanied by a caregiver older than 12 years of age at all times when visiting the library. Staff will not assume responsibility for or transport any unattended children remaining on library grounds at closing time. If a child’s parent or caregiver cannot be located, the Natick Police will be notified and asked to take responsibility for the child until a parent or caregiver can be located.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn in the library.
  • No smoking anywhere on the premises or grounds of the Bacon Free Library, including e-cigarettes.
  • No unapproved solicitation is permitted on Library property.
  • Members of the public may not enter areas of the building marked as Staff Only.
  • Library privileges may be limited for the following reasons:
    • damaging library property
    • stealing library materials
    • harassing, either verbally or physically, any staff or patron
    • inappropriate behavior


Updated July 2023

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