Policies: Collection development

Collection Development



In accordance with the will of Bacon Free Library benefactor, Oliver Bacon, the goal of collection development at the Bacon Free Library is to provide materials and learning resources for the enjoyment and use of the public, with a special emphasis on supporting the educational needs of our children.  In addition, materials are selected to satisfy a broad range of interests and topics.


  • To represent a variety of viewpoints, in accordance with the ALA Library Bill of Rights
  • To include a variety of formats, as deemed reasonable to meet a variety of user needs
  • To seek to meet the needs of the residents of the town of Natick 
  • To increase social awareness and community involvement
  • To preserve and encourage the free expression of ideas essential to an informed citizenry.

Selection Process: 

Adult materials are selected by the BFL staff in accordance with demand, and range of interests and formats in keeping with the allotted budget.

Young Adult and Children’s materials are selected by the Assistant Director/Children’s Librarian in accordance with demand, educational requirements of our patrons, and a variety of formats and interest levels in keeping with the allotted budget. 

Selection Criteria:

  • Accuracy, timeliness, format durability and ease of use
  • Reviews in standard journals such as Booklist, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, School Library Journal, and Kirkus Review
  • Cultural significance and critical acclaim
  • Current or historical significance of author or subject
  • Literary merit – ie. Award winners
  • Diversity of viewpoints
  • Price and availability
  • Demand
  • Public appeal or local interest

Types of Materials:

The Bacon Free Library is committed to having the most materials available that meet the needs of our patrons of all ages and interests. The Library provides materials and services that reflect the diverse educational, informational, and recreational needs of its users by providing access to content through both traditional and emerging formats. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Print Resources – hardcover and paperback fiction and non-fiction
  • Digital Resources such as on-line databases; eBooks, eAudio and eVideo
  • Periodicals
  • Information on local history
  • Audiobooks

Controversial Materials and Intellectual Freedom:

The Bacon Free Library does not promote particular beliefs or views. The Library provides materials reflecting various opinions, which can apply to important, complex, and controversial questions, including unpopular and unorthodox viewpoints. Language, situations, or subjects that may be offensive to some community members do not disqualify material whose value is to be judged by the Bacon Free Library staff in its entirety.

The Library recognizes parents and legal guardians as the parties responsible for the reading and viewing habits of their children. Each child and his or her parent or caregiver decide what material is suitable for that child to read. While some books are too mature for one child, other children may be ready for them.

Objections to Library Materials:

Concerns about library materials may be directed to any staff member who will then bring the concern to the Library Director.  If the patron wishes for a more in-depth assessment, a formal Request for Reconsideration may be submitted. The Library Director will then respond to the objection in writing within 7 days. Materials are judged on overall quality and value as determined by the Library Director in accordance with the Collection Development Policy.

The Library supports the following documents protecting the individual’s right to have access to materials:

First Amendment of the Constitution

Library Bill of Rights

The Freedom to Read Statement

Collection Maintenance:

In order to provide easy access to relevant and in-demand materials and information, deselection of library materials (also known as weeding) is frequent and thorough, keeping collections current, trimmed, and useful. The Bacon Free Library does not have the space or the mandate to keep materials that do not circulate regularly. Materials may be withdrawn from library collections for any of the following reasons:

  • Items are worn, stained, or damaged beyond repair
  • Items are out of date, contain inaccurate data, or are not historically significant
  • New, more current or more comprehensive resources are available
  • A more desirable format of the content is available
  • Duplication
  • Low circulation
  • Or for other reasons as determined by the Library Director


Revised October 20, 2022

Donate to the Trustees of the Bacon Free Library's Annual Fund