Policies: community bulletin board

Community Bulletin Board


The Bacon Free Library is committed to disseminating information that is of general interest to the community and, as such, provides limited space for the free distribution of handouts and the public posting of flyers, notices, and posters.

  • All notices for display must be brought to the Circulation Desk for approval and posting.  
  • The library’s policy is to give priority to notices from the library, library Trustees, town boards and agencies, Natick Historical Society, other government agencies, local and regional civic, social, educational, and cultural groups and other non-profit organizations.  
  • Personal notices are only allowed with permission from the library.
  • For sale and other commercial advertisements or announcements, daycare and other “for hire” services are prohibited from the bulletin boards, with the exception of private tutoring, music lessons, and other courses, with permission from the library. 
  • Notices will be posted for up to 2 weeks, depending on available space. 
  • Notices posted without approval by the library staff will be removed. 
  • Due to space restrictions, Library staff reserves the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal.

The decision by the library to include a posting on the bulletin board does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the views or policies of the poster. 


Updated July 2023

Donate to the Trustees of the Bacon Free Library's Annual Fund